Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Session 1: Funeral For a Friend

There is a spark of adventure in the air that cannot be dampened by the fog nor rain in this small town of Ravengro, and it begins with the arranged meeting of four unique souls at a funeral for a friend. In a short time I've come to learn a great deal about these three men:

Gregor is a calm, polite, well spoken young man with a background in the noble profession of grave digging. His reason and logic impress me already.

Mstistav demonstrates knowledge of the arcane and his pet dragon "tea-chalk" seems a valuable companion. His investigative skills and research into the arcane are impressive.

Shale guards and acts with a singular focus, great will, and determination. Without his aid, I'm not sure we can get far, as evidenced by our poor display against the giant centipedes. I'm impressed with his faith-like connection to the earth and compassion for others.

And thus serving as pallbearers in dreary Ravengro we met Kendra Lorrimor the 25 year old daughter of the late professor. We spent the evening drinking Petros' liquors before investigating his journal which led us to The Restlands. Therein we discovered a false crypt filled with useful items to combat the undead, and our expert gravedigger helped us exhume Petros to confirm his demise.

In the morning we investigated a blood marked "V" upon a town statue, and we wonder if this marking might be tied to the old fire that burned down Harrowstone prison so many years ago? We wonder what danger Kendra might be in and how we can best protect her over the course of this month as Petros asked us to do? And lastly, we wonder about the strange markings along the wall of Harrowstone prison that the professor mentioned in his journal, and whether any of this has to do with the cabal of Necromancers Petros called, the Wispering Way?

Game Stats:
Players: 4; Duration: 4 hours; Opponents Slayn: 2 whiptail centipedes
PC Deaths: 0; PCs Disabled: 2 Mstislav, Phiroz; Unconscious: 1 Phiroz
#20s rolled: 3
Named NPCs: Petros Lorrimor, Kendra Lorrimor, Gibs, Father Grimburrow, Councilman Vashian

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